Thursday, July 31, 2008


After a few less-than-successful attempts at solid food, Sylvia has found a new mouth-delight in jarred organic applesauce with apricots.

This is the first food that she has actually leaned forward with an open mouth for, and she's tried grabbing the spoon too. She has a funny habit of biting on the spoon with each mouthful; we can see scratches on the spoon from her two little bottom teeth.

Now we're committed to feeding her some solid food every day.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Big Girl Things

Sitting up, getting more attached to mama, pulling the peek-a-boo blanket off her face herself, wanting to get down from our laps and sit on the floor, learning words like "doggie," and getting taller/bigger/more kid-like and less baby-like every day.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Sylvia attended her first baby party weekend before last; we should have taken a photo of all the high chairs interspersed around the table with the big-people chairs.

It was fun to see the little people interacting!

Friday, July 18, 2008


Part of trying solid foods has been incorporating a little water into Sylvia's diet. She copped on to sucking the sippy cup right away, but still needs to remember to tilt it back so the water is available!

Yesterday Sylvia came down with her first cold, her first illness ever, and on her seven-month birthday. So far an annoying runny/snotty nose and a little more crankiness. Keep your fingers crossed.

Tooth Eruption

This was a very-hard-to-capture image.

Story Time with Daddy

The last thing Sylvia does before bed is read a book.

Her favorites so far: Is Your Mama a Llama?, The Very Busy Spider, and Goodnight Moon

Daddy's least favorite: Goodnight Moon. He says it doesn't make any sense.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Look What I Can Do!

Sylvia's spooning at a nine-month level...genius!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Top of the Park

TOP is part of Ann Arbor's Summer Festival, a month-long event that really brings out the townies. Here are Sylvia and Dan at Sylvia's first TOP outing. We saw a swing band, ate some tasty Mexican and Mediterranean food, had some frozen lemonade and watched kids running around on the grass.

The best thing about TOP is that it's free, and goes on seven days a week from mid-June to mid-July. Another reason to not leave Ann Arbor in the summer.

Breezing In

Our friends Zoe and Tashi are in town for a short visit and we went to Top of the Park, a free outdoor concert series with food booths and lots of socializing.

Zoe, Tashi and their Dan used to live here in A2 and now call Charlottesville, VA their home. Fortunately Zoe's mom (Tashi's Yia Yia) lives here still, so we're guaranteed a visit every so often.

I can't believe how big Tashi is - she was only five when I met her!

Catching Z's

Something Sylvia's been good at from the start is sleeping. I used to have to wake her up to feed her when she was first home, otherwise she would have slept for six hours without eating. A good problem to have, as far as newborns go!

Syl has the ability to fall asleep almost anywhere...noisy restaurants, concerts, cars, the farmers' market, doesn't matter what's going on, if it's time to sleep, she does it.

She moved from the sidecar co-sleeper (a mini-crib next to our bed) to her crib in her own room about six weeks ago, and has been sleeping long nights there; once she figured out how to roll on her tummy and sleep there, it's been very restful for us all.