Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Floor is How Far Down?

I've been dropping things lately. Not valuable glass vases or antique teacups, mind you, but just about everything else - papers, my belly belt, the soap in the shower, food...and the floor seems to be farther away than it used to be.

Most of the time I don't mind bending over or squatting to pick things up, but after the day's seventh clumsy drop, it gets old. My muscles and ligaments don't seem to want me to bend over! Dan has been super helpful and will pick things up for me, or put a heavy pot away in its bottom shelf spot, and I've been practicing picking things up with my toes and lifting my leg high enough to grab the offending article from my foot.

I'm reframing how I think about gravity - perhaps I need to do a few more forward bends and squats? They do strengthen my muscles and increase my consciousness of breathing and movement. Maybe gravity is my friend after all.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Shuggah Dieuhbeetus

(That's how you'd say it if you were from the Ninth Ward in New Orleans.)

Yes, I have a case of the sugar diabetes, the gestational type. I responded with two "abnormal" sugar levels during a three-hour glucose tolerance test last week - "abnormal" is a nicer way to say I didn't pass.

The good news is gestational diabetes disappears as soon as the placenta is delivered in 97-98% of moms.

Today I attended diabetic counseling at the University of Michigan hospital, and from now until I deliver I am on a carb-counting, protein-including, finger-pricking schedule of fun. It's not so bad, really. I just have to be very mindful of what I eat, what type of food group it belongs to, and when I eat it.

All of this to ensure my health, the baby's health, and to make sure I don't grow a huge baby that would be hard to deliver.

I got to take home my very own Accu-Check Aviva blood sugar monitor that has digital memory, along with this cool finger pricker that loads six sharps at a time and doesn't even hurt my tender little fingertips. And I got a free lunch tote in the deal. At least there's a sunny side!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where Are My...


There they are! With a little cantilevering I can see them.

I've never disliked my feet, nor have I ever thought they were fabulous. Lately I've been paying attention to the veins on the inside of my feet, rubbing in rosemary cream and doing inverted yoga positions to minimize them.

My feet grow tired more quickly these days. I've been told I have small feet for my stature, and with the extra weight on them it's no wonder they grow weary!