Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Floor is How Far Down?

I've been dropping things lately. Not valuable glass vases or antique teacups, mind you, but just about everything else - papers, my belly belt, the soap in the shower, food...and the floor seems to be farther away than it used to be.

Most of the time I don't mind bending over or squatting to pick things up, but after the day's seventh clumsy drop, it gets old. My muscles and ligaments don't seem to want me to bend over! Dan has been super helpful and will pick things up for me, or put a heavy pot away in its bottom shelf spot, and I've been practicing picking things up with my toes and lifting my leg high enough to grab the offending article from my foot.

I'm reframing how I think about gravity - perhaps I need to do a few more forward bends and squats? They do strengthen my muscles and increase my consciousness of breathing and movement. Maybe gravity is my friend after all.


zoe krylova said...

apparently our modern life of leaning back most of the time is not optimal for babies in utero. doing things that demand leaning forward, such as gardening, getting on all fours, and picking up things from the floor (!) can help discourage the baby from becoming posterior. so gravity is indeed on your side. though the toe picking up skill will be very useful when you have a baby in your arms all the time!

Eli Clarke said...

Hey There Laura,

Been thinnking of you and I still have your gift I need to get off my butt and send it!!!! Craig has been dropping things too hopefully it doenst mean what I think it means! AHHHHHHH

Love you,
