Monday, December 22, 2008

One Year!

Yesterday we threw a party for Sylvia's one-year birthday...we were a little busy, so we didn't post about her birthday until today.

What a year it's been! It was a long year, filled with adjustments, physical changes, tiredness and great effort...but it was also a fast year, filled with unmeasurable joy, laughter, wonder, smiles, growth, amazement and happiness.

Happy birthday, solstice baby!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Family Resemblances

My great-aunt Lillian, not a blood relative; could be me in 30 years. Dig the glasses!

My dad's cousin Charlotte as a baby; could be Sylvia now!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Granddaddy Love

First of the Thanksgiving visit pics.

Five Things...

...I do daily for a healthy mind.

I've been tagged!

Here goes:

1 - I eat something I want to eat (at least once per day)

2 - I look at the sky

3 - I take a nap (most days)

4 - I think about exercising at a minimum, and on a good day I walk for a long time, or dance, or swim, or kayak

5 - I try to keep up with world affairs; arguably good for the mind but maybe not so good for peace of mind?

Funny how "healthy mind" can be interpreted to mean mental function or well-being.