Monday, January 14, 2008

Fussiness, Frustration and Frightening Dreams

Sylvia's in a little rut of fussing after feedings, even after burping, urping, diaper change and a little more feeding sometimes. I understand this is probably par for the course, but it's hard to soothe this little being who doesn't have the language to tell us specificially what's bugging her. We'll hang in there.

I've had three strange dreams over the past several days involving driving. In the first one Dan is at the wheel, but he's fallen asleep, and I have to reach over him to grab the wheel and keep us from crashing; I end up climbing over him to take control and reach the brakes. In the second I'm driving with Sylvia bundled on my lap and I can't see over her to tell where the road is, so I'm driving blind. In the third, I'm driving and can't see the road but I can see the guardrail on the freeway, which is making a sharp curve, and I have to steer somewhat blindly.

Metaphors for my experiences as a new parent, perhaps?

1 comment:

zoe krylova said...

as our pediatrician used to say when tashi was a newborn, "it will get better after the first three months; i promise."

just when you think you've got everything under control, they hit a speedbump and things go haywire.

i had a few mantras, "we'll get through this, we'll get through this," and, "surrender, surrender." we also used to chant "om" to tashi when she was fussy. it sometimes would help her, but more often, it would help us!

there is a theory i read about in the tibetan book of parenting, that babies go through monkey phases and pig phases. pig phase: they are calm, content, sleepy. monkey phase: wild, hungry, fussy, screeching.