Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Meisler Family Pics

It was amazing to have Great-grandma Rose with us. She kept telling us what a great disposition Sylvia has, and how beautiful she is. (Not that we hadn't already noticed!)

She also pulled me aside and told me that I'll never know how happy it makes her to see me & Dan & the baby together, that we're the perfect little family. That meant a lot to me.

I'd say Sylvia and Rose got along famously, and we hope to have them together soon.


Four generations of Meislers (plus me).

A Little Smile, Please

Grandpa gets his wish.

Out to Lunch

Hard to pay attention to the food with such a delicious baby around!

Here are Great-grandma Rose, Uncle Josh, Great-aunt Susan and cousin Saul enjoying the buffet.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008


We're waiting for a big day tomorrow...a visit from Sylvia's great-grandmother Rose (99 years old!), her great-aunt Susan M., and cousin Saul.

It's been a frenzy of housework in preparation. We even put the leaves into the table so we can seat 8 for dinner. In the a.m. Syl and I will both get our baths, then hopefully a morning nap to get ready for all the action.


Here's a super-soft and cute had handmade for Sylvia by our friend Joan, the second homemade gift she's sent. Generous!

Also, our favorite blanket given to us by Zoe. Note the super cool space age vintage fabric, backed with red chenille. This was our "throw it on top of the car seat" blanket for a while, and now it's our "keep it on the couch for nap time" blanket.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thumbs Up

Sort of like being asleep at the wheel.

Sylvia is developing quickly these days (although this photo doesn't really capture it). She's staring at her hands, grasping things and holding on, using her palms and fingertips to explore different textures...I even caught her with one leg raised, staring at her foot today! Where was my camera?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Memoir Meme

I was tagged by my buddy Zoe to compose a 6-word memoir; sorry I'm not tagging others or posting more scoop on this meme, but here goes:

Brassy belle digs dirt, dancing, dazzle.

Hard to sum it up in six words. I suspect this meme was spurred on by an article in a recent New Yorker magazine; it said Hemingway wrote a miniature masterpiece: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn," which itself must have inspired SMITH online magazine to have a reader contest - your life story in six words.

Stephen Colbert posted "Well, I thought it was funny."
Aimee Mann: "Couldn't cope so I wrote songs."

Here's a snapshot that will be included in my verbose memoir someday, with the caption "Bliss in a Recliner."

Nap? What Nap?

Since Dan's been back at work it's been a little more challenging getting in one daily nap, much less the two that I really should take.

Sylvia has no problem getting her naps in, though!

Happy Baby!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spare Time

Here it is, over a week since the last post, and no photo to accompany it. Not that I haven't taken any. I'm squeezing this in at 11pm on a Friday between getting Sylvia in bed and getting myself into the shower.

Dan's back at work and I'm amazed that single parents survive at all! We had a good week, but very busy. Amazing how much time it takes to feed, diaper, change, amuse, care for and snuggle with a baby. And how much energy too.

Thank goodness for a Monday night visit from Unkie and a break and lunch with Grandpa.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Unkie Josh

Sylvia has one uncle, Dan's older brother Josh. Here they are together when Sylvia was less than 24 hours old.

Josh loves Syl very much, and is always delighted to spend time with her. You should hear the conversations they have!

We're lucky to have Unkie here in town, and to have his help with and love for Sylvia. He'll have to teach her all about reggae, the piano, Bob Dylan, the Dead, life on the road, the Yankees, DJ-ing, and where to get a really good falafel.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I Had No Idea...

...that I could love someone this much.

...that I had such a capacity to give of myself.

...that having a baby would be so fun.

...that having a baby would be so rewarding.

...that my child would inspire in me such awe and wonder.

...that no matter how many times I heard parents say these things, and no matter how many times I thought I understood it, and no matter how often I thought that I wouldn't really understand it until I did it myself, that actually doing it has brought me so many more gifts that I ever could have imagined.
Thank you Sylvia, for choosing to come to me!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Daddy Love

Dan returns to work in six days. I can't express how wonderful it's been to have him home, not just to help me navigate the first few weeks of motherhood and care for me and the baby when I was sick, but also to bond closely with Sylvia. They've spent a lot of time getting to know each other, and I think it will be hard for Dan to be away all day.

I'll be adjusting to stay-at-home parenthood on my own, and as soon as the weather starts cooperating I plan to not stay at home so much as take Sylvia out and about. After being spoiled by having a stay-at-home spouse for three months it will be quite an adjustment for me - fortunately Grandma and Grandpa have offered to give me some scheduled breaks throughout the weeks ahead!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Waste Management

We've been given the gift of diaper service by several family members and friends. It's so convenient to toss the soiled nappies into a can, then set the collection on the porch Sunday nights. The magical diaper elves come and replace them with a bag of fresh-laundered, folded nappies on Monday mornings. First world living!

Before Sylvia came along I dreaded diaper changing. But I've found I don't mind at all; since she's breastfed the mess is not smelly. Diaper changing is simply part of our routine, and we have nice conversations during the changing. Plus Syl coos happily when we lift her onto the changing table, as if she knows a soft, dry diaper is on the way.