Sunday, March 16, 2008

Memoir Meme

I was tagged by my buddy Zoe to compose a 6-word memoir; sorry I'm not tagging others or posting more scoop on this meme, but here goes:

Brassy belle digs dirt, dancing, dazzle.

Hard to sum it up in six words. I suspect this meme was spurred on by an article in a recent New Yorker magazine; it said Hemingway wrote a miniature masterpiece: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn," which itself must have inspired SMITH online magazine to have a reader contest - your life story in six words.

Stephen Colbert posted "Well, I thought it was funny."
Aimee Mann: "Couldn't cope so I wrote songs."

Here's a snapshot that will be included in my verbose memoir someday, with the caption "Bliss in a Recliner."

1 comment:

zoe krylova said...

i love it. six words that are all yours.