Can someone tell Blogger to install a smart function to automatically rotate photos???
Allow me to obsess a moment over Sylvia's thighs.
She's got the fatrolls-upon-fatrolls, chunky-monkey thighs of the breastfed baby. She uses them quite vigorously, and really enjoys kicking while on the changing table, providing me with a moving target to diaper. She loves splashing with them in the tub. She got poked in them four times yesterday for her second round of vaccinations (which made her hysterical for a few minutes, then she nursed, then she napped, then she woke up happy...good job!). She uses them to arc her back from a back-lying position, in an effort to see what's happening behind her. And she used them to roll over from her back to her belly for the first time last week.
I don't think babies are put in a percentile category for thigh circumference, but if they were Sylvia would be in the 120th.
hey you. can't you rotate your photos in what ever photo software you have on your computer (i-photo?). that's what i do, and then i upload them to blog or flickr.
i love the super baby thighs. at one point in tashi's childhood she definitely looked like the michelin baby! thighs are almost as good as cheeks. almost!
Cheeks, then toes, then thighs, then buttocks. Love the baby buttocks. Like butter.
I have rotated the pics in iPhoto, but Blogger retrieves them from a place other than iPhoto Library that I can't find. Strange.
your photos go to i-photo where you can play with them, but the originals land in some file on your hard drive. it might retrieve them from there.
usually i export the photos i want to use for blog/flickr onto my desktop. here's how: from i-photo, click on the photo you want to use, then press control/shift/E keys all at once. you'll get a window for sizing (i resize so width is no larger than 700). hit the export button, name the photo, make sure the desktop is designated, press ok, and it dumps it onto desktop.
when i browse for photo upload on blogger/flickr, i make sure to browse the desktop. after i've uploaded photos i throw the ones on the desktop into the trash.
does that make sense? it's an extra step, but goes fast, and makes your photos a manageable size.
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