Sunday, June 22, 2008

Enough About Me...

Today is Sylvia's first half-birthday, six months after she joined us and changed so much about our lives. Seems like a good enough time as any to play along with the meme so generously not-tagged by Zoe:

What were you doing ten years ago?
I was on the road across the northern tier of states in a rickety Isuzu P'up truck (5-speed) with a manifold pipe held together by a strip of Coke can and ring clips, chugging my way toward Oregon to join two friends and get into organic farming. I had just separated from my husband of 6 years and was headed west to start a fresh life away from the unhealthy environment of New Orleans, where I had lived for ten years. I was looking for the new, the clean and the positive, and was also, in my heart, looking for true love.
While traveling through South Dakota I saw a huge line of thunderheads in the distance before me. "How nice," I thought, "that I can watch this amazing storm from a distance."
I forgot about the whole winds-come-sweeping-down-the-plain thing. Within 30 minutes the storm was on top of me. I had to pull over the truck because visibility was nil; winds were screaming and there was torrential rain and hail. Tornadoes were touching down within three miles of where I was parked. My small truck was rocking in the winds. I thought, "well, maybe I won't see Oregon after all."
The storm passed after about 20 minutes, and every car on the freeway was pulling into the same small town, no doubt with the same destination: the nearest motel. I have never enjoyed a delivered pizza, cable TV and a soft pillow with so much relish.

To Do List for today:
I just got back from NYC and Rose's funeral, so I will pick up the dog from the kennel, visit with Dan's family, do some gardening, wash some laundry, grocery shop and finish the book I'm reading. Oh yeah - and care for my daughter.

What would you do if you were a billionaire?
I would set up my family comfortably so they could live without worry. I would create a trust fund for Sylvia. I would donate generously to cancer research and to organizations supporting local food and farming. I would have an amazing flower garden. I would travel by train to visit family frequently. I would have a massage once a week.

What are 3 of your bad habits?
I'm a terrible correspondent; once I write I write well, but oh, getting it together to write!
Too quickly do I find fault in others; at least I keep these thoughts to myself, mostly.
My posture is terrible since I gave birth to Sylvia.

What are some snacks you enjoy?
Anything with chocolate & mint in it.
Sliiced baguette, sliced mozarella, sliced tomato and basil leaves.
I don't get them often, but I love love love my great-aunt Betty's cheese straws.

What were the last 5 books you read?
White Teeth by Zadie Smith
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close also by JSF
Brooklyn Dreams by JM deMatteis, illustrated by Glenn Barr (amazing graphic novel)

What are 5 jobs you've had?
Dental assistant
Organic farm laborer
Children's museum educator
Children's outdoor science educator

What are 5 places where you have lived?
Salem, Oregon
New Orleans, Louisiana
Plantation, Florida
Franklin, Tennessee
Memphis, Tennessee
(bonus: Marietta, Georgia and before that, Tucker, Georgia)


gizard said...

thanks for playing along laura! what a great story about the storm. today dan, tashi and i sat out a storm in the parking lot of a little country store. heavy rain, hail, lightening and thunder that made the car vibrate. we ate our picnic in the car. we were house hunting. i hope the storm wasn't too metaphorical for us!

zoe krylova said...

oops, the above comment is from me. dan had logged into his gmail account on my computer and i didn't realize it. . .