Sunday, August 19, 2007

On Puking

What biological function, may I ask, does yakking up a perfectly good breakfast serve?

You should have seen the breakfast I cooked - whole wheat pancakes with cinnamon and local blueberries, local maple syrup, butter, scrambled eggs from my friend Kevin's hens, orange looked and smelled and tasted so good!

My stomach enjoyed it for about 20 minutes, and then I accidentally swallowed wrong - you know, when you have a little extra saliva, and it goes down the windpipe. I had to cough, and I told my stomach to not get involved, but since I've been pregnant my gag reflex is sensitive to strange things like coughing. I even puked one time after a vigorous sneeze.

I felt cheated, after making and enjoying such a great breakfast! I just don't see how losing my breakfast improved any situation.

And it's not like I have morning sickness, which usually plagues women in the first trimester. Now I'm almost 23 weeks along and well beyond my "morning" sickness experience. I say "morning" because what I had was all-day-and-into-the-night sickness for about five weeks. Unless I was actively shoving food into my mouth, my stomach was very unhappy. And, believe it or not, I can't eat all day long!

Thankfully that's over now. I'll try to be more careful when swallowing, sneezing, coughing and brushing my teeth - especially after blueberry pancakes!


Linda Diane Feldt said...

The theory is that early puking helps keep the baby safe - oversensitivity to what might be poison. Discomfort with "weird" foods more likely to be teratagenic.

Later, it is also mechanical - stomach already being pushed up from below! Sometimes if you massage the foot at in the soft spot under the ball of the foot towards the heel just before you eat it can help.

But a big healthy baby is going to make the stomach more touchy.

Congrats on the blog!
-Linda Diane

Julia said...

...and the pancakes sound like they were awesome, too. :( waaahhh...

Green Kitchen said...

Found you through Zoe's blog. Sorry to hear about your upchucked-ness. Congratulations on your pregnancy. You look great! Just wanted to tell you that my midwife warned against maple syrup as one of the things that raises the blood sugar levels considerably. Not sure if this is an issue for you, but wanted to let you know.